- What the geeks got right - HROS with Ambrosia Vertesi part 2 of 2 The How isn't competitive intelligence. That should be baseline.
- Open Source Beyond Code - HROS with Ambrosia Vertesi - part 1 of 2 Part of my exploration of how open source thinking and practices are spreading beyond the world of code to influence and improve the businesses and cultures around them.
- Idealism and What Successful Open Source Looks Like My virtual, mini-keynote at Drupal Camp Cape Town 2015.
- Open source - Don't ask permission, just make a difference. Back from the 2015 Open IT Conference, Berlin
- Vote for Drupal and Open Source at SXSW 2016 Community voting for sessions open till 2015.Sep.04!
- Oliver Explains Herb Alpert Another I-don't-understand-my-kids moment.
- Why the Beatles [and the KLF] Are Letting Down a Generation In which Martin Bryant shows me why I don't hum any Beatles tunes anymore.
- Explaining Decoupled Drupal for Better and for Worse Drupal 8 can function as the backend to lots of systems, but the more of Drupal you use, the better off you will be.
- Hello World, We're Drupal! Drupalists in PHP Land In which two intrepid Drupalists show off Drupal 8 at a PHP conference.
- Pavlova New Zealand's National Dessert